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Rehabs in Erie

Rehabs in Erie

Erie County is located in the northernmost part of the state of Pennsylvania. It was formed in 1800 and organized in 1803. It has a population of 270,876 and is home to people from diverse backgrounds. With beautiful greenery, it is right on the banks of Erie lake split between the US and Canada. 

With all these advantages, in terms of its geography, it also has several pressing issues. One of those problems is the prevalence of substance abuse in the county. It has been growing as more people develop alcohol and drug dependency. 

As a result, there have been 150 overdose deaths here between 2019-2020. However, this can be prevented if more people turn to help on time. 

Luckily, Erie County rehabs are here to provide that care. 


Before starting the recovery, you first have to get an evaluation. It is a two-stage process designed to get the full picture of your case. 

First, you do a screening. This aims to find out about the existence of the problem. The screening consists of simple questionnaires with yes or no questions. Due to its straightforward nature, you may do it yourself.

Next, you go through an assessment. This is a more elaborate process. It includes various tests, check-ups, and in-depth questionnaires. Due to its complexity, only professionals conduct it. Apart from their own assessment, they might also refer you to a doctor for further check-ups. This aims to identify any accompanying illness you might have.

After the evaluation is over, the counselors working with you will come up with a treatment plan best suitable for your situation. 

Choosing the Right Rehab

When it comes to choosing the type of facility to attend, it will largely depend on the evaluation results. However, there are two basic distinctions between them that are worth considering.

Firstly, there is the inpatient program. Here the patients have to stay at the facility at all times. These residential centers offer very intensive care. With a professional staff always present, they provide the best available care. Thus, they are the most suitable option for those with severe cases. Moreover, they give the opportunity to stay away from your everyday environment and its negative influences. Thus, all of these measures speed up the effective recovery.

Secondly, it is the outpatient program. Here, you don’t have to stay at the facility. Instead, you visit it during the day, receive your treatment, and return home. This is not as intensive as the inpatient one. Thus, it is a better choice for those with milder dependency. Moreover, this option enables you to stay close to your loved ones while getting better.

Also, while some places offer both of the programs, others specialize only in one of them. Moreover, despite these main differences, there are also many other features that vary. For example, there are specialty rehabs focusing on a group based on their gender, age, race, and so on.


There are some retreats that offer more services than is usual for a standard rehabilitation center. These are luxury retreats that adopt a holistic approach. In other words, these retreats focus on the patient's overall well-being instead of focusing only on the addiction. 

Located in beautiful areas and surrounded by great nature, these are ideal places for recovery. With all that said, however, they are much more expensive and not everyone has the means to afford them. 


When it comes to paying, you have many options. First, you can make a direct payment. Alternatively, you can cover the expenses with private insurance. Most of them cover the fees either fully or partially. 

If you cannot afford to pay, there is a government-sponsored aid called Medicaid. Moreover, there are many places that offer cost reduction or free services. Whichever option you end up using, the important thing is that you receive the care you need.


When talking about substance dependency, it is crucial to remember that teenagers are very vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse. Thus, you must be very careful to prevent your child from developing an addiction. If they already have an addiction, you should get them into a rehabilitation center. 

The professional help will ensure their effective improvement. However, if they are reluctant, try explaining the benefits of healing. Also, make sure they know that they have your full support and that you are by their side during the process.